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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Exodus. Just Google it.

My seminary teacher showed this in class a few weeks ago. It's very clever.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Cell Phone Problems

Commercials for the most part are annoying and boring but I have always liked this one.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Flying Donkey

I tend to quote movies excessively. I mean if someone else said it better than you ever could have why try to re-invent the wheel? So basically don't be surprised if I post a lot of snippets from movies.
One of the movies on the top of my favorite list is Shrek (the first one). Donkey is such a lovable character that you just can't help but quote him. Most of his comments are just so...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Pranks to the Max

This YT channel takes pranks to the next level. Sometimes they are more over done than others. This one that.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Singing in the Car

I've been pretty addicted to this one of late. The one thing I keep thinking is "Dude! Hands on the wheel, eyes on the road!" But maybe that is partially why it's so funny.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Animals Have Feelings Too

This is when you find out that is is possible to figure out what animals are saying. And that they do have an opinion.

Friday, October 21, 2011

A New Beat

It's funny how you can make music or at least a beat from just about anything and everything. Take this jeep for example. Everyday noises can be turned into something new!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

It's a Window...a Door...It's a Garage!

This is fascinating. Not very practical but fascinating.

I mean think how long it would take to get in and out of your garage!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Files Are Really Annoying

I just found this channel and it's pretty cute. This particular video was one that I felt connected to. Flies are really interesting but even more annoying.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Talking Cat

I know I'm crazy but I dub Talking Tom the Cat the most addicting app ever. Get out of town Angry Birds!Take that! So if you don't know what this app is...well OK besides the fact that its a complete time waster...the whole point is to play with this cat. You can tell him something and he will copy you. You can pet him and he'll purr. You can punch him and he'll get mad at you and might even fall over. Pretty pointless I know. But then it gets better. You can record all this and upload it. There are some pretty funny ones out there. This one is one of my favorites.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Be Yourself

Don't be afraid to be yourself. There are countless reasons why it's better.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

It's Cool...

Some say this is sacrilegious. I have to agree. And yet I still think its kind of funny.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Water Buffalo

This is probably my favorite VeggieTales: Silly Songs with Larry song. It was the very first silly song with Larry which just goes to show the original is always the best!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Essential Element

Such a cute video that teaches science at the same time! Definitely a family favorite.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Yet Another Idea

This is the third blog I've started. Why? Because I had yet another idea. First I just wanted to talk about my life and then I wanted to narrow it down to food (because currently that is a subject that interests me right now). And now here comes Youtube. Because I don't have a Facebook (I hope I'm not getting into copyright issues using all these big company names...) I can't share these ideas and stories like "normal" people do now a days.
So here I am with all these awesome YT videos that are starting to collect up in my favorites on my YT account (currently in late 2011 I have over 200 of them). Now what do I do with them? I just want to share them! And sometimes I find other videos out there that aren't on YT, or movies that I have enjoyed or songs that make me happy and I just want people to know they are there! So bottom line. This is my AV blog. But because my YT stash is the largest that is probably what I will post about the most.

If one of the videos become unavailable please let me know! I want to fix that if possible.

Normally when I make a boring post like this with just words I try to spice it up with a video even if has nothing to do with the post. So here it is (even though it does kind of have to do with the post because it is from YT after all). This is one of the first YT videos I ever remember watching.